
Showing posts from June, 2020

Institutional sexism and criminalising feminist dissent in Uganda

A few months a go a Ugandan court dismissed a case of cyber harassment and offensive communication against a one Brian Isiko . A man who had harassed and simultaneously sent offensive messages to a female member of Parliament. When the man was committed to prison upon his own plea of guilt initially, the public (largely men) were up in arms. They claimed Isiko was being jailed for 'sending love messages'  'sweet talking an MP', that women were too much, a member of parliament was using her power to abuse a young man with a love interest et al. Indeed it was not long before a group of men including a leading Kampala pastor paid lawyers to appeal his sentence and got him bail pending a retrial of the case. The media went ahead to hound the woman member of parliament till she stopped showing up at the trials and the case was dismissed eventually. Juxtapose it with scenarios where women including a one Sheena  was arrested and detained at least overnight for naming and s...